VANCOUVER—A Surrey family is helping clear the way for a new Catholic high school – literally.
The Miller family of JJM Construction has offered to clear the land in preparation for construction on the site of the future St. John Paul II Academy for free.
“The Holy Spirit has sent signs about this project being the right thing. Every day, something comes up and this is an example,” said principal Michel DesLauriers, who thanked the family for the significant donation at a small reception Dec. 5 at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre.
Peter Miller said his crew has so far put a few days’ work into clearing blackberry bushes and trees from the site at 184 Street near 24 Avenue. Still to be determined is exactly how much of the site preparation will be donated by the Millers.
The family also helped build Immaculate Conception and St. Bernadette’s elementary schools. “We are very pleased to be able to continue this tradition,” said Peter’s wife, Christine.
The Millers look forward to enrolling their children, young Star of the Sea students Alexa and John, in the John Paul II Academy in the future. “Supporting our community’s next high school is a natural choice. We are pleased to be able to help.”